Congress abstracts


  • Metsälä E, Marmy L, Paalimäki-Paakki K, Hoffren J, Pires Jorge JA, Kivistik S, Kukkes T, Lumme R, Schroderus-Salo T, Strom B. Diagnostic radiographers and radiation therapists professional role and interprofessional co-operation related to the therapeutic phase of breast cancer care - an integrative review and a qualitative study in four European countries. Swiss Congress of Radiology 2022, Fribourg, June 23-25.
  • Metsälä E, Schroderus-Salo T, Marmy L, Pires Jorge JA, Straume K, Strom B, Øynes M, Randle L, Kivistik S. Breast cancer patient viewpoint versus staff thoughts regarding mammography and radiation therapy services. ECR 2022. Insights to imaging. Vol 13, suppl 4. P 245.
  • Metsälä E, Kivistik S, Marmy L, Pires Jorge J, Straume K, Strom B. Women’s positive and less positive experiences about mammography and radiotherapy services during their breast cancer care pathway. ECR 2022. Insights to imaging. Vol 13, suppl 4. P 93. 
  •  Metsälä E, Paalimäki-Paakki K, Hoffren J, Pires Jorge J, Kivistik S, Kukkes T, Lumme R, Marmy L, Schroderus-Salo T, Strom B. Radiation therapists’, diagnostic radiographers, biomedical laboratory scientists and nurses working together in breast cancer care and treatments. DOI: European Congress of Radiology 2022.  
  • E. Metsälä, S. Kivistik, T. S. Schroderus-Salo, L. Marmy, L. Randle, K. Straume, H. Patanen, M. Øynes. Evidence-based open access learning course for health care staff treating breast cancer patients. DOI:  European Congress of Radiology 2023. 
  • E. Metsälä, K. Straume, L. Marmy, T. S. Schroderus-Salo, B. Strom, M. Øynes, L. Randle, S. Kivistik. Educational needs of the health care staff treating and caring for breast cancer patients. DOI: European Congress of Radiology 2023.



Publications in international peer-reviewed journals



  • E.Metsälä, S.Kivistik, K.Straume, L.Marmy, J.A.P Jorge, B.Strom. Breast cancer patients` experiences on their individual care pathway: A qualitative study. Radiography . Vol 28,issue 3. August 2022, Pages 697-703 DOI:
  • E.Metsälä, Schoderus-Salo.T, Straume.K, Strom.B, Marmy, L, Oynes. M, Pires Jorge. JA, Randle.L, Kivistik, S. The Factors for Success and Lack of Success in the Breast Cancer Patient Care Pathway: A Qualitative Study From the Health Care Staff Perspective. European Journal of Breast Health. Vol 18(3), p 222-228. DOI:
  • Cubelo, F. (2023). Analysis of Breast Cancer Open Access Learning Platform using Fink’s Taxonomy of Significant Learning. International Journal of Nursing Education, 15(2), 18–23.


National and local publications


  • R.Lumme, J. Hoffren, J. Lukkarila, K. Manninen, O.Pöllanen, J. Riukolehto. Moniammatillinen verkkokoulutusmateriaali terveydenhuoltohenkilöstölle rintasyöpäpotilaan hoitopolusta. Bioanalyytikko 2, 2022. 
  • L.Randle, S.Kivistik. Ebreast2 projekt- Kellele ja milleks? Kliinikumi leht. nr 254, p8,  September 2022. 
  • Metsälä E. Rintasyöpää sairastaneiden naisten ja terveysalan ammattilaisten näkemyksiä rintasyövän hoitopolusta. Radiografia 4/2022; 8-9.
  • Metsälä E, Schroderus-Salo T, Paalimäki-Paakki K. Moniammatillista verkkokoulutusta rintasyövän hoitoprosessiin. Radiografia 4/2022; 10-11.
  • Cubelo, F., Hoffren, J. & Marttila-Tornio, K. 2022. Nursing Perspective on the Interprofessional Co-operation in Breast Cancer Therapeutic Phase. Oamk Journal 215/2022.

  • Cubelo, F, Kiiski, K (2023). Moniammatillinen yhteistyö rintasyövän hoidossa - avoin verkko-oppimisalusta asiantuntijuuden kehittämiseen (Multidisciplinary collaboration in breast cancer care - an open e-learning platform for developing expertise) . Syöpäsairaanhoitaja (Finnish Oncology Nursing Society).